Our signature balloon decorations are well-known for its artistic style and unique designs. A combination of various balloon sculptures, round balloons and foil balloons is what made our balloon decorations iconic. Below are some recent events we have done for Kids 21, Changi Airport Group and a private party:

Balloon Palm Tree Decorations for Kids 21
Balloon Palm Tree Decoration

Balloon Flamingo Sculpture Decorations for Kids 21

Balloon Flamingo Sculpture Decoration

Balloon Parrot Sculptures

Balloon Parrot Sculpture Decoration

Balloon Parrot Decoration


Balloon Ultraman Sculture DecorationUltraman Balloon Decorations Ultraman Balloon Sculpture

Balloon Superhero Sculpture Decorations

Avengers Balloon Sculpture Superhero Balloon Sculpture Superhero Balloon Wall Backdrop

Thor Balloon Sculpture


Need our balloon artist to customise balloons and decorate the venue for your upcoming event? Contact our friendly sales assistant now!

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